Oh, those precious memories of childhood! Everyone has them, and some are more precious than others. I was the middle child, but before you feel sorry for me, let me tell you: I was the only girl with an older and younger brother. Some might say I was a daddy’s girl, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Growing up, I lived on a dead-end street in Elk Township, New Jersey. We rode bikes and motorcycles, swung from Tarzan swings, swam in our pool, and played under the streetlight when the sun went down.
If 2023 has been financially challenging, why not take a moment to reflect on the progress you've made and the setbacks you've faced? Getting into the habit of reviewing your finances midyear may help you keep your financial plan on track while there's still plenty of time left in the year to make adjustments.
Combining finances can be complicated for any couple, but the challenges become more complex the second time around, especially when children are involved. Here are some ideas to consider if you are already part of a blended family or looking forward to combining households sometime soon.
This year, about 65 million Americans will receive over one trillion dollars in Social Security benefits. If you’re planning to join that total and claim your benefits, timing, strategy and sound decisions can all help you maximize the outcome for your household. When and how you claim, your marital status, your health, and even whether you have dependents can all affect what benefits you receive.
It's heartbreaking to hear stories of people losing money (even their life savings) as a result of fraud or financial exploitation, especially if they are older and financially vulnerable. In fact, it's quite common. You know your parents could be at risk, and you want to protect them, but how?
529 plans can be a great way to save for college, but they're not the only way. When you're investing for a major goal like education, it makes sense to be familiar with all of your options.
You want to retire comfortably when the time comes. You also want to help your child go to college. So how do you juggle the two? The truth is, saving for your retirement and your child's education at the same time can be a challenge. But take heart — you may be able to reach both goals if you make some smart choices now.
Thinking about opening or contributing to a Roth IRA? Learn more about the benefits of this type of retirement account and your possible eligibility to contribute. The key benefits of Roth IRAs include…
529 plans can be powerful college savings tools, but you need to understand how your plan works before you can take full advantage of it. Among other things, this means becoming familiar with the finer points of contributions and withdrawals.