
Raising Smart Spenders and Savers
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

Raising Smart Spenders and Savers

Talking to kids about money can be awkward, but it’s important. That’s the takeaway from a recent T. Rowe Price survey, which showed that parents consider topics like death and politics easier to discuss with kids than saving for a goal. A full 85% wanted to avoid the issue by signing their kid up for a personal finance course.

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Amanda’s Letter from the Heart
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

Amanda’s Letter from the Heart

Most of my childhood was spent barefoot, running around, making mud pies, riding bikes, and rollerblading up and down our street with the salty ocean breeze until the streetlights came on. For much of my life, I lived in New Jersey; just three miles from the beach. My summers were spent adorned with sunburned shoulders and cheeks (I can still hear my dad yelling at me to put on sunscreen), enjoying day trips to the beach, rides on the boardwalk, and eating ice cream cones and THE BEST pizza. I’m a Jersey girl through and through.

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5 Habits of 401(k) Millionaires
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

5 Habits of 401(k) Millionaires

Many individuals who are saving for retirement aim to have at least $1 million in their retirement accounts when they exit the workforce. But retirement savings aren’t a one-size-fits-all matter. Instead, the amount you’ll need depends on a variety of factors, including your lifestyle, specific financial obligations, future plans, and health needs.

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Double Up with a Spousal IRA
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

Double Up with a Spousal IRA

If you and your spouse are looking for a way to build your retirement savings but one of you is not working, you might consider funding a spousal IRA. This could be the same IRA that the spouse contributed to while working or it could be a new account.

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Don’t Allow Boredom in Retirement to get the Best of You
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

Don’t Allow Boredom in Retirement to get the Best of You

You’ve made a financial plan for retirement, but what about a fun plan? According to an article by The Senior, “Your Retirement | Don’t be a bored Baby Boomer,” two in three people enter retirement with little or no thought about what they want to actually do in retirement.

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10 Common Scams and How To Avoid Them
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

10 Common Scams and How To Avoid Them

As we age, we may become more susceptible to fraudsters who make a living preying on retirees. This can be especially true for widows and widowers who are making decisions alone and may be particularly trusting of friendly strangers. In order to protect ourselves and those we love, it’s important to be aware of the most common scams older Americans fall for.

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How Cyber Savvy Are You?
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

How Cyber Savvy Are You?

Cyberattacks are America’s fastest-growing crime. Review these tips for keeping your personal information safe.

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A 529 Plan Can Help Jump-Start Your College Fund
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

A 529 Plan Can Help Jump-Start Your College Fund

Busy, cash-strapped parents might welcome all the help they can get when saving for college. Building a college fund, even a small one, can help families feel more in control and less stressed during the college research and admission process.

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Famous People Who Died Without Proper Planning
Joel Appleman Joel Appleman

Famous People Who Died Without Proper Planning

The importance of proper estate planning cannot be overstated, regardless of the size of your estate or the stage of life you're in. Nevertheless, it's surprising how many American adults haven't put a plan in place.

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